Author: KezKatz Cattery

The Ocicat: A Spotted Sensation with a Wild Heart

They leap, they bound, they prance with the grace of a wild cat, their coats ablaze with mesmerizing spots – the Ocicat is a feline masterpiece, a whirlwind of energy and elegance rolled into one. But beneath the striking exterior lies a heart brimming with affection, a loyal companion waiting to unleash its playful spirit… Read more »

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP): Understanding the Threat of Covid to Your Cat

While the world grapples with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, another coronavirus, Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), quietly impacts our feline companions. Although not directly transmissible to humans, FIP remains a serious and often fatal disease for cats, causing immense worry and heartbreak for cat owners. Our Experience with Feline Covid Jerry please explain briefly here. Basically,… Read more »

Jungle Gym at Home: Creating a Stimulating Environment for Your Curious Bengal

The Bengal, with its leopard-like spots and boundless energy, is a feline explorer at heart. Their inquisitive minds and playful personalities demand an environment that fuels their curiosity and keeps them entertained. But fear not, fellow cat parents! Transforming your home into a stimulating Bengal cat jungle gym is easier than you think. Let’s unleash… Read more »

Litter Box Language – Cat Poop Feces

The last thing you want to see or examine is Cat Poop. Parents love their pet children. It’s instinctive to concerned about their health. A wise pet parent will forego the yech and will frequently examine the texture, color, content, and consistency while noting bathroom habits. These are keys to early detection of health issues.   Litter… Read more »

Cat Poop The Feces Score Chart

I know that your cat’s poop is the last thing you’d want to look at but if you care about your cat’s health, then you should never ignore it. Poop provides a wealth of information about the state of health of the cat. The bathroom habits the color, content and consistency of stool indicators of… Read more »

Secnidazole for Treating Giardia

New Medicine Secnidazole for Treating Giardia & Tritichomonas Catteries, Rescues, Shelters and many pet owners will likely have a need for treating for Giardia at some point in their lifetime. Giardia is just one of the protozoan parasites that cause diarrhea in cats. Giardiasis is caused by the Giardia intestinal is parasite. Cats have to… Read more »

Is Gum Disease In Savannah Cats Genetic?

Deciding what subject to start my blog, I decide on cat’s oral health I remember a family calling about their Savannah cat having gum disease. They asked, (as I often get asked), “Is gum disease genetic?” Their two cats (full siblings from separate litters) developed gum disease requiring expensive surgery. I explained to them that good… Read more »


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